OSV Delivery = Original Seen & Verified Delivery
- What is Original Seen & Verified Delivery?
Ans: In Original Seen & Verified Delivery, our Wishmaster will open the package in front of you at the time of delivery. Both outside as well as the brand packing is opened and shown to you. This ensures that you only receive what you ordered.
- Is this Service available everywhere?
Ans: Original Seen & Verified Delivery will only be available for select pincodes. If your order is eligible for OSV Delivery, you will get an option to select Original Seen & Verified Delivery in the Order Summary page.
- How do I avail of this service?
Ans: In case you’re eligible for Original Seen & Verified Delivery, you’ll get an option of Original Seen & Verified Delivery at the Order Summary page. You can avail of the service by selecting the same option while ordering.
- Is this Service Free?
Ans: Original Seen & Verified Delivery is a Free service.
- In case of COD, when should I make payment? Before or After Original Seen & Verified Delivery?
Ans: You should always complete the payment before availing of Original Seen & Verified Delivery. In case you find the product is missing, damaged or completely different from what you ordered you can return the product immediately and get a refund on it.
- What will happen if the product is found to be missing/damaged/not what I ordered at the time of the delivery?
Ans: In case you find the product to be missing, damaged or completely different from what you ordered, please ask the Wishmaster to take it back immediately. In case of COD orders, you’ll get your refund immediately from the Wishmaster. In case of prepaid orders, you’ll get a refund credited to your account according to the Seller’s returns policy.
- Can I get a replacement instead of refund?
Ans: You can only get refund in case the product is deemed not acceptable.
- Are all the payment modes available with OSV Delivery?
Ans: All the other payment modes except Card on Delivery is available along with Original Seen & Verified Delivery orders.
Please Note:
- Original Seen & Verified Delivery will only be available in select pincodes. If your order is eligible for OSV Delivery, you will get an option to select Original Seen & Verified Delivery in the checkout page.
- In Original Seen & Verified Delivery, our Wishmaster will open the package in front of you at the time of delivery. Both outside as well as the brand packing is opened and shown to you. This ensures that you only receive what you ordered
- In case you find the product to be missing, damaged or completely different from what you ordered please ask the Wishmaster to take it back immediately.In case of COD you’ll get your refund immediately from the Wishmaster. In case of prepaid orders, you’ll get a refund credited to your account according to seller’s return policy
- Return requests for Missing, Damaged or Mis-shipment will not be accepted once Original Seen & Verified Delivery is successfully completed
- In case you find the device to be defective upon turning it on, you may contact Shopkar.in for replacement/refund as per the returns policy
- Card on Delivery is not acceptable for Original Seen & Verified Delivery
- Customer should complete payment before opening the box (for COD orders)
By opting in to Original Seen & Verified Delivery you are agreeing to the following Terms & Conditions:
- You understand that for Original Seen & Verified delivery, You are required to take the delivery of product in person after producing a valid identity card. Production of valid identity card is optional only if there are other modes of delivery available at Your pin code other than Original Seen & Verified delivery.
- In case You choose cash on delivery mode of payment at the time of order, You understand and agree that the payment has to be made in full before the product can be opened to complete the Original Seen & Verified delivery.
- You agree and understand that only the delivery boy (“Wishmaster”) is entitled to open product package and deliver the product to You for Your inspection
- You agree to inspect the product in the presence of the Wishmaster and confirm on the product by signing on the mobile/paper delivery sheet. You understand that inspection means checking the physical appearance & components of the product, if any, and does not include testing the functioning of the product
- You understand that in case the product purchased is not the same as the product delivered, the delivery will be considered as ‘failed’ and the refund of the product price paid will be refunded as per policies of the seller of the product. In case of cash paid on delivery, the refund will be made to You immediately by the Wishmaster.
- You agree and understand that all other policies of the seller/Website will be suitably applicable to You and the transaction completed on the Website and You agree to abide by and adhere to the same.
- You agree and understand that these terms and conditions are part and parcel of the Shopkar.in ‘Terms of Use’ and shall be read in conjunction with the same.